Pluchea d gOozSsi89bdź234Ii11000 Nn Oo TynPl Mmoe. Zz

Pluchea carolinensis
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Karajaan: Plantae
(unranked): Angiospermae
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Kulawarga: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Inuleae[1]
Génus: Pluchea
Type species
Conyza marilandica
  • Pluechea Zoll.
  • Gymnostylis Raf.
  • Tecmarsis DC.
  • Gynema Raf.
  • Oliganthemum F.Muell.
  • Eyrea F.Muell.
  • Spiropodium F.Muell.
  • Berthelotia DC.
  • Stylimnus Raf.
  • Leptogyne Less.
  • Eremohylema A.Nelson
  • Conyza subg. Pluchea (Cass.) Miq.

Pluchéa nyaéta hiji genus tutuwuhan kembangan ti Inuleae di kulawarga Asteraceae. Wangun tutuwuhanana rupa-rupa, morfologi daun, kembang, jeung buahna ogé rupa-rupa.[3][4][5][6][7] Ngaran genus dicokot tina ngaran naturalis Prancis Abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche.[5]

  1. Pluchea arabica (Boiss.) Qaiser & Lack - Yemen, Oman
  2. Pluchea arguta Boiss. - India, Iran
  3. Pluchea baccharis (Mill.) Pruski – rosy camphorweed - southéastern United States, Bahamas, Cuba, Yucatán Peninsula, Central America
  4. Pluchea baccharoides (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. - Australia
  5. Pluchea bequaertii Robyns -central Africa
  6. Pluchea biformis DC.
  7. Pluchea bojeri (DC.) Humbert - Madagascar
  8. Pluchea camphorata (L.) DC. – camphor pluchéa - éastern + central United States, Mexico
  9. Pluchea carolinensis (Jacq.) G.Don – cure-for-all - Latin America, West Indies, Florida
  10. Pluchea chingoyo (Kunth) DC. - Peru, Chile
  11. Pluchea dentex R.Br. ex Benth. - Australia[7]
  12. Pluchea dioscoridis (L.) DC. - Egypt, Middle East
  13. Pluchea dodonaeifolia (Hook. & Arn.) H.Rob. & Cuatrec. - Bolivia
  14. Pluchea domingensis Klatt - Hispaniola
  15. Pluchea dunlopii Hunger - Australia[7]
  16. Pluchea eupatorioides Kurz[6] - China, Indochina
  17. Pluchea ferdinandi-muelleri Domin - Australia[7]
  18. Pluchea fiebrigii H.Rob. & Cuatrec. - Bolivia
  19. Pluchea foetida (L.) DC. – stinking camphorweed - southéastern United States, Yucatán Peninsula
  20. Pluchea glutinosa Balf.f. (extinct)
  21. Pluchea grevei (Baill.) Humbert - Madagascar
  22. Pluchea heterophylla Vatke - tropical Africa
  23. Pluchea hirsuta (L.) Less. - India
  24. Pluchea indica (L.) Less. – baluntas
  25. Pluchea kelleri (Thell.) Thulin - Somalia
  26. Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern - India, Afghanistan, parts of western Africa
  27. Pluchea lanuginosa C.B.Clarke - India
  28. Pluchea laxiflora Hook. & Arn. ex Baker
  29. Pluchea linearifolia C.B.Clarke - éastern India
  30. Pluchea littoralis Thulin
  31. Pluchea lucens Thulin
  32. Pluchea lycioides (Hiern) Merxm. - South Africa
  33. Pluchea mexicana (R.K.Godfrey) G.L.Nesom - San Luis Potosí
  34. Pluchea microcephala R.K.Godfrey - Bolivia, Peru, Argentina
  35. Pluchea nogalensis Chiov. - Somalia
  36. Pluchea oblongifolia DC. - Brazil
  37. Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. – sweetscent, saltmarsh fléabane - from Ontario to Bolivia
  38. Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. - Arabian Peninsula, Morocco
  39. Pluchea parvifolia (A.Gray) R.K.Godfrey - Baja California
  40. Pluchea polygonata (DC.) Gagnep. - India, Indochina
  41. Pluchea pteropoda Hemsl. ex Hemsl - China, Indochina[6]
  42. Pluchea rosea R.K.Godfrey - Mexico, Honduras, south-central + southéastern United States
  43. Pluchea rubelliflora (F.Muell.) B.L.Rob.[7] - Australia
  44. Pluchea rufescens (DC.) A.J.Scott - Mauritius
  45. Pluchea sagittalis Less. – wingstem camphorweed - South America, West Indies
  46. Pluchea salicifolia (Mill.) S.F.Blake - Mexico, Guatemala
  47. Pluchea sarcophylla Chiov. - Somalia
  48. Pluchea scabrida DC. - Philippines
  49. Pluchea sericea (Nutt.) Coville – arrowweed - southwestern United States, northwestern Mexico
  50. Pluchea somaliensis (Thell.) Thulin - Somalia
  51. Pluchea sordida (Vatke) Oliv. & Hiern - tropical Africa
  52. Pluchea succulenta Mesfin - Somalia
  53. Pluchea tertanthera F.Muell.[7] - Australia
  54. Pluchea tomentosa DC. - India
  55. Pluchea wallichiana DC. - India
  56. Pluchea yucatanensis G.L.Nesom – Yucatán camphorweed - Yucatán Peninsula incl Belize
Saméméhna diasupkeun[1]
  • Allopterigeron filifolius (F.Muell.) Dunlop (as P. filifolia F.Muell.)[7]
  • Baccharis decussata (Klatt) Hieron. (as P. decussata Klatt)
  • Cratystylis conocephala (F.Muell.) S.Moore (as P. conocephala (F.Muell.) F.Muell.)[7]
  • Neurolaena lobata (L.) Cass. (as P. symphytifolia (Mill.) Gillis)[9]
  • Streptoglossa liatroides (Turcz.) Dunlop (as P. ligulata F.Muell.)[7]
  • Streptoglossa macrocephala (F.Muell.) Dunlop (as P. macrocephala F.Muell.)[7]
  • Streptoglossa odora (F.Muell.) Dunlop (as P. odora F.Muell.)[7]
  • Thespidium basiflorum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. (as P. basiflora F.Muell.)[7]

Rujukan[édit | édit sumber]

  1. a b c d Flann, C (ed) 2009+ Global Compositae Checklist
  2. "Genus: Pluchea Cass.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 1996-09-17. Diakses tanggal 2010-12-11. 
  3. Sharma, S. K. and N. Goyal. (2011). Biological studies of the plants from genus Pluchea. Annals of Biological Research 2(3), 25-34.
  4. Perera, W., et al. (2007). Flavonols from leaves of Pluchea carolinensis (Jacq.) G.Don (Asteraceae). Revista Latinoamericana de Química 35(3), 68-73.
  5. a b Flora of North America Vol. 19, 20 and 21 Page 478 Pluchea Cassini
  6. a b c Flora of China Vol. 20-21 Page 847 阔苞菊属 kuo bao ju shu Pluchea Cassini
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l Susanne Hunge. 1997. A Survey of the Genus Pluchea (Compositae, Plucheeae) in Australia. Willdenowia 27:207-223
  8. 'Pluchea' (TSN {{{ID}}}). Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Dibuka ping [[{{{date}}}]] [[{{{year}}}]].
  9. a b "GRIN Species Records of Pluchea". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Diakses tanggal 2010-12-11. 

Tutumbu kaluar[édit | édit sumber]

  • USDA Plants Profile
  • Jepson Manual Treatment
r OKk cy.x Y t 89Aiae nu34 Uu ohn

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